Deutsche Übersetzung folgt!
Wie man sieht arbeiten sie sehr fleißig, 2te update in 2 tagen
Dear Tycoons,
First, thank you for the great response on our first major update, we are very happy to see that you are enjoying the improvements and are pleased with our direction "“ now it"™s time for more!
Although our plan is to do major updates along with smaller hotfixes as needed, today is a bit of an exception. So here it is, via a "mini" update "“ the Typhoon Ride!
New Typhoon Flat-Ride Available Now!
As promised, we have been working hard on our Typhoon Ride, we now feel it is ready to share, so we"™ve decided to push a small update for the weekend just for you. Enjoy the ride!
[Blocked Image: http://www.rollercoastertycoon…4/New-Marketing-Shot-.png]
We have seen a ton of feedback and video of peeps not sitting in rides correctly. With this update, we are addressing some of these concerns while we continue to work on additional improvements to the system to make it better:
- Age positions: Peeps now adjust their position according to age to avoid clipping;
- Peep AI: Peeps are now moving at all times; yes, they were sometimes flocking at the entrance of the park with some thoughts, and this has been fixed.
Yesterday, we also showed off an AMAZING park being made by one of you using the latest update"“ community member "“ Maxfreak! You can see the full gallery on our Facebook Page.
[Blocked Image: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbc…6744240790536245782_o.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbc…4410015872707319756_o.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbc…4355070501776871141_o.jpg]
[Blocked Image: https://scontent-yyz1-1.xx.fbc…3988284094062596627_o.jpg]
Going forward, we are going to work with our community[] to make sure we highlight more awesome creations so be sure to join in on the fun on our forums.
Thank you all for the awesome feedback on yesterday"™s update and graphical improvements (we put too much emphasis on performance for our initial early access release; we are working towards the integration of our higher resolution assets "“ we are humbled by the reviews) "“ we know the visuals still aren"™t where they need to be, we are working on this, but we are glad you all like the direction we are going in!
To better illustrate the direction of our first update, see these additional before and after screenshots:
[Blocked Image: http://www.rollercoastertycoon…04/RCTW-Comparision-2.jpg]
We are currently working hard on our next major update that fixes known issues, adds additional improvements, and of course fixes bugs, as stated in our prior blog. Please, continue to give us feedback. We do follow our Steam Forums, Official Forums[], and Social Media to learn about what needs to be fixed, improved, or added. However, please note the best place to report Bugs is on our Bug Tracker[] and improvement requests should be reported to our Improvement Tracker[].
If you liked the update, make sure you let us know too "“ its important your reviews are updated as we go as we go so that we know we are heading in the right direction!
Thank you all for the support! Back to work for us, and have a great weekend!
See you in the park!
(Original Quelle:…detail/626373163241964546 )